Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Things to do in a school parking lot when you arrive early for pick-up in order to procure an optimal space

*practice Spanish with Duolingo

*stalk your ex’s current’s instagram, making sure to never double-tap

*shop your ideal size on Anthropologie. Make impulse purchases you can later return and feel like you’ve received free money

*look at old pictures of your child, cry softly

*cry loudly. Roll the windows up, crank the ac. No one will see the tears. Wear sunglasses.

*call your mother and rattle through your grudges. She’s happy to hear them and will offer new ones you hadn’t considered.

*read your book. You’re so far behind your goal.

*knit. But forget to bring your pattern and forge forwards anyways, understanding that you will need to tink back every stitch you make. God, you’re an idiot.

*Take a selfie.

*Delete your selfie. Consider makeup tomorrow.

*smile at your friend mom.

*realize it’s not your friend and maybe make a doctor’s appointment for your facial blindness. It’s time.

*What’s your doctor’s name? How do you make an appointment without talking to anyone?

*Call your mom again.

*Roll your windows up.

*Google window tinting.

*Google your state’s allowances for tinting darkness. 

*apologize to Duo and your duolingo partner. You’ll meet your Spanish practice goal tomorrow.

*arrange your peloton workout you’ll definitely do when you get home, or tomorrow.

*maybe consider cleaning up your car.

*wipe SOMETHING. Anything is a step in the right direction.

*why was that sticky?

*do a quick amazon purchase of that weird, goopy car cleaner you saw on TikTok

*is your ex on tiktok? Maybe see if he’s active

*do a fit check

*delete it! Don’t post that!

*It could be funny if you use the right music.

*answer the phone. You’re late picking up your kid.