Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Out with the Trash

I'll rant this once, and then attempt to get over it.  So, please, if you're looking for something a little more light-hearted jokester-ific, you might want to skip this one by.
My identity was stolen by some pissant little shit-monkey who has no idea the type of hell I would like to rain down on her.   She's lucky that yesterday cooler heads prevailed and Collin was there to stop me from knocking her door down with a bat.  She is unlucky, or just a gnarly little skank, that I fully intend to canvas her entire fucking building with signs identifying her as the skank-weasel that she is.  My very own version of the Scarlet Letter. 
It seems that even though my mail was supposed to be forwarded to me after moving out of my old building, she still managed to get her dirty claws on one of my bank statements.  She then proceeded to empty out my accounts at  All I can hope is that the human stank that she is was idiotic enough to purchase from her home computer, or have it shipped to her own address.  Then I will have the pleasure of mashing her up like the bit of pus that she is.

I'd like to know what's wrong with people?  Who does this to someone, even a stranger?  How does someone feel absolutely no moral compunction, and completely disregard the well-being of those around her?  Why is it ALWAYS that the nicer you are, the more people are willing to spit on you?  Well FUCK her!  And fuck everybody like her!  I'm tired of this bullshit, and I'm ready to take some "people" down.

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