Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Suckiest Bunch of Sucks That Ever Sucked.

As you know, I'm moving onto 29 in a few short short (oh god, they're so short) months, and I'm stuck in a brand new, dead-end job.  Oh yeah, I work for a brokerage, mainly doing data entry.  Evidently, I am not one of those fortunate people that always knew what they wanted to do and had the gumption to just go for it.  No.  I went straight to college out of high school determined to be a theater major.  Two years in, I realized something no one had ever told me:  theater majors are for sucks.  Because if you had any real talent, you would have gone to NY or LA, or some such place and made it.  You would NOT be interning backstage at your state school's performing arts center.  At least I had the wherewithal to realize this at 19 and decide to change that destined-to-serve-coffee-for-the-rest-of-my-life major to something a little more useful. 
So I went with pre-vet, because...I dunno...I love animals and physiology and even as a kid was obsessed with watching operations on the Discovery Channel before it, too, went all suck.  Along with my major, I switched my intern-ship and started doing work at the university's barn during lambing season.  Lambing season, if you didn't know, is the frikkin dead of winter.  In Massachusetts.  What I'm trying to say here, is that it was damn cold, and went a far way towards contributing to this sour-puss you see before you today.  The barn had no heat, and the intern was required to stay there at night.  This means (during finals, mind you), I would wake up and go to all my labs in the morning, followed by classes, my regular (paying) job, and then spend all night at the barn with the best possible situation being that I would end up being covered in placenta.  Yeah.  This, however, is not why I decided the vet-life was not for me.
The deciding factor was a small grey bunny.  Someone found him by the side of the road, obviously hit by a car, and took him into the clinic where I was working.  He had a broken neck and a totally understandable fear of all things human.  My job was to take him out of his cage and give him his IV shot.  But he struggled.  And little broken-necked Floppy got out of my grasp and fell.  I'm a tall girl.  He had a big fall.  I went home at the end of my shift, sobbing, inconsolable, and decided I could never go back.  I changed my major the next day.
To Wildlife Conservation and Pre-Law.  Oh yes, I was going to fight for animal's rights!  I graduated, worked a bunch of crappy jobs before landing a job writing legal docs for a law firm.  Where I realized the only people that are bigger sucks than theater majors are lawyers.  What a miserable bunch!
Which brings me to here.  Working at this suck job for a bunch of sucks, thinking about how much being an adult sucks.  I should have just been an astronaut.

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