Wednesday, June 30, 2010

All I Need to Know...I Probably Did Not Learn in Kindergarten

Sometimes you don't learn everything you needed in school.

It just doesn't teach you things like how to deal with a dead-end job.
Or how to stand up against a boss that wants you to do something at the very least unethical, and very much illegal.
And when you do stand up, it doesn't teach you how not to cry when said boss fires you.

You never learn how to make your brain stop chattering on that long drive home.  "You fuck-up.  What is wrong with you?  How do you get fired from a receptionist position?"
You don't know how to make the most of it.
You never learned how many hours there could possibly be in a day, when you have nowhere to spend them.

You also never learned how fortuitous a visit from your mum could be.  How she can show you that a nature walk, far from the city, can make your brain stop chattering.
You learn that petting your dog can stop the tears.
That you're not a loser, just because your ex-boss is a criminal.
Your mum shows you how baking a blueberry pie can while away some of the long hours.
A blueberry pie can show you that it's not such a big deal, you'll get a better job.
You'll be ok.


Sarah said...

Great piece of writing.

I completely admire you. If it makes you feel better, my grandfather, who was an accountant, refused to cook the books for his boss. He was fired.

He had a wife and two little girls at home at the time and no job.

It took him a while to find a job, and things weren't easy.

He eventually did; they had two more children; by the end of his career, he was chief financial officer of a company.

At his funeral, his decision was mentioned as a testament to his character. I think about it a lot when I have to make career decisions.

So, your mom's right to show you how to make the best of it - and I'll bet she's really proud of you.

You might not have a job at the moment, but you have character - and that is what counts in life.

The world needs more people like you.

The Gain Card said...

totally agree. well said, Sarah P!

outoftunepiano said...

Sarah P: wow...thanks so much! That is incredibly heartening to hear. If your grandpa was here, I'd be willing to share some pie.

Unknown said...

Lovely post - really lovely.

Helena xx

wondrousitem said...

Good for you, and I'm glad your mom managed to cheer you up. Your ex boss was a cum-covered anal wart. You don't deserve forced subservience to that level of douchebaggery.

CkretsGalore said...

Very nice!

Been in a similar position. Except I quit but he told everyone he fired me.

Being a douche doesn't pay since the business was shut down by the city AND they were booted out by the Rental Company.

Yesss...made me feel so much better.

Love this post, very well done.