Friday, June 25, 2010

An Outburst a Day Keeps the Medical Plan Away

Definitely one of those days.
You know, the days where your boss asks you to lie to people and rip them off and you try to vent to your boyfriend about it before finally getting up the guts to tell your boss that you are not willing to besmirch your integrity for a measly $15 an hour, but you say it much nicer because you still don't want to be unemployed, even if your job IS a load of hot crap.
It's the type of day when you think you are venting to your boyfriend, but you're stupidly using the office's Outlook mail, and you respond to the wrong email and in effect tell your boss how much of a jack-off you think he is, and you whine a bit about how much your back hurts.  And then your boss calls you in for "a word" and asks what the deal is and you're all, "I have a problem basically stealing from people.  What?"  And he's all, "You're a total dick swipe.  Clearly, you don't understand how the system works."  And you come back with, "I understand that if you accept work from a person, you're supposed to pay them for it.  And I understand that if there were more people doing what you're trying to do, my dad wouldn't have been able to provide food for us."

And then you spend the rest of the day barely suppressing the urge to yell, "AM I FIRED, OR WHAT??" Because you kind of sort of need that $15 an hour and you try to remind yourself of your tendency to over-react just a bit.  So instead, you blog about shitty jobs and shitty pay and how you're obviously the only semi-lucent person in an office filled with barely-mobile cesspool humanoids.  And you spend the rest of your time trying to stop your heart from racing and hoping that if they don't fire you, you will still somehow avoid becoming a cesspool like them.


Unknown said...

Years and years ago I was in a similar situation. Only you know what is right for you. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I feel your pain. :) I did something similar a few years ago when I had a boss I LOATHED, mainly because he was a giant jackass with his head so far up his ass he could see his tonsils. We used AIM to communicate inter office and I was boiling with rage one day at something he'd done so I IMd my friend across the office to tell her by writing: I CAN HEAR THAT GIANT ASSHEAD SCRATCHING HIS DANDRUFF AND CONJURING UP WAYS TO BE AN EVEN BIGGER DOUCHE! And yeah. Guess who I sent it to? His name was right below hers on the buddy list thingie. Holy shit. I had to do some back pedalling that day. I hated that guy.

Oh. Thanks. I vented. And made it all about me. Sorry... I hope things worked out ok for you?

Pearl said...

Wow. Now THAT'S a day!



outoftunepiano said...

Midwestern Mama: it's oddly good to know other people go through this. Thanks!
VeggieAssassin: that is an AWESOME story! stupid office messaging...
Pearl: it IS a day! Luckily, it's followed by other days.