Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lazy Brain Loves Zerona

I got this email from a Dr. Kang, and of course thought....well, gee...I could come up with $2000, if I could look like that in 2 weeks.  Given my overweight-itude, and my persistent love and acceptance of food, any scam involving no work and fat loss is particularly appealing to me.  Clearly, Dr. Kang is privy to the inner-workings of my lazy-brain.

Then, I took a 2nd look at the picture and it became all too clear to me:  Zerona has made this woman insane.  They have obviously photo-shopped out all the white-coats running after her.

What is she doing?  Other than ruining some families perfectly nice day at the beach.  Now Jr is going to have some weird fetish for crazy women dressed in white.

Thanks a lot, Zerona.  You've ruined Jr's life.

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